F & I Ladies Day at RIHS Hickstead

4 August 2022

Temperate weather with a gentle breeze was a welcome relief to all who attended the Royal International Horse Show (RIHS) at Hickstead today. Generously sponsored by the BHS, members of our wonderful F&I Association were given the opportunity to enjoy a day of full entertainment with fantastic viewing over the main Longines International Arena. Hosted by the Director of Education, Tracy Casstles and organised by the highly efficient Jeanette Poile, we were exceptionally well looked…

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F&I Study Day with Judy Harvey FBHS

9 May 2022

Monday 9th May 2022.   Word must have spread as a large number of F’s and I’s gathered at Judy’s Buckinghamshire yard for the enviable treat of watching Judy ride and coach throughout the day.  We started with Judy, while riding, giving us a marvellous insight into how she found and eventually gained the ride on the delightful S P Bento, who she had spotted while commentating at the Addington High Performance Sale. This delightful 9yo…

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F&I Badminton Course walk with Nick Turner

5 May 2022

5th May 2022.   Well, what a treat. Not only to be back at Badminton Horse Trials to watch all the action, but the sun was shining, and we were in for a real treat being guided round Eric Winter’s 2022 course by Nick Turner FBHS. The course was running over 6688 meters with an optimum time of 11min 44seconds. The going looked perfect and fence two where we all met looked Huge.  Once everyone was…

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Report from the Study Day at Hartpury College

2 March 2022

Wednesday 2nd March 2022 Those of us who were fortunate to be able to attend both of the study days in the Talland and Hartpury double bill were struck by the huge difference between them. At Talland, we focused on the effect that the rider has on the horse, but at Hartpury we drilled down into how the movements created by the horse influence the rider. Our host, Kathryn Nankervis, welcomed us to the Hartpury…

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Report from the Talland Training Day with Pammy Hutton FBHS

1 March 2022

We all arrived to the beautiful Talland at 10am [Tuesday 1st March 2022], some with a skip in their step, some thinking what have I let myself in for and some with a strong coffee in hand.  I’m sure everyone who was there will agree we all left feeling confident and making plans to make this dream of being a Fellow a reality – or at least riding and coaching better into our older years. …

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Report from the F&I Study Day – Stallion AI and Equine Law

17 February 2022

17th February 2022 Firstly, thanks to Amy for organising the day at Stallion AI Services with talks from Tullis Matson (who is the founder of Stallion AI Services) in the morning, and Carrie de Silva on Equine Law in the afternoon. Tullis began his fascinating presentation with a quick description of his own history, stemming from his grandfather farming Twemlows in the 1930s as a diary and pig operation, generating 1 tonne of cheese daily.…

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An Evening with Paralympian Sophie Wells OBE

2 February 2022

PRESENTATION TO F&I MEMBERS & GUESTS BY SOPHIE WELLS OBE on 2nd Feb 2022 What a wonderful two hours spent in the company of Sophie Wells – AWESOME! As my local Co. Wexford farmer would say “She is Some Woman for One Woman”. Sophie started the evening by giving us some of her childhood memories, how she started her life with ponies then horses. Sophie learnt to ride at a Riding School local to her…

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Dressage – Annual Course Report from Keysoe 3rd & 4th Jan

15 January 2022

Report on Dressage Sessions with Richard Davison FBHS – Keysoe. Firstly, Covid /government future plans raised questions as to whether or not the Annual Course would go ahead as planned. This caused the Committee considerable concern, upsets in arrangements and challenges in the planning of the course. Thankfully we were able to attend, albeit with the necessary precautions in place. Keysoe International, although further in distance than Addington for many of us, provided excellent facilities…

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Jumping – Annual Course Report from Keysoe – 3rd & 4th January

4 January 2022

Report on Jump Sessions with Caroline Moore FBHS. What a treat the F&I Convention was. With Covid leering as understudy in the wings, we were relieved to see some Coaching and Learning, so it was business as usual, albeit at our new venue at Keysoe International. Although I have seen Caroline coach, a lot, I always learn. I loved that Caroline had produced notes, posing questions, using the ‘Scales of Training’ to present a framework…

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3 January 2022

It is my pleasure and that of the Committee to welcome you to Keysoe International for this our 35th Anniversary AND the end of the 9-year Reign of Terror as Ann, Vice Chair and myself are due to step down from the Committee, having accomplished 3 X 3 year stints on this Committee. As we started 2021 in Lockdown with the Virtual AGM we find ourselves back wearing masks and carefully socially distanced, but at…

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