Chairman’s Report – Annual Course & AGM, Addington 2024
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Read MoreF & I Winter newsletter
Festive greetings to you all! It does not seem two minutes since the last newsletter but yes winter is well and truly here. As always, it’s so important to stay in touch and ensure we keep talking and supporting each other as much as possible. This time of year can be very challenging, especially if…
Read MoreF&I Autumn Newsletter 2023
Dear F&I Member, Well, where does the time go? How have we arrived at the end of September already? I don’t know about you, but I find the year seems to whizz past faster than ever. I guess like so many of you, being super busy, the days merge into weeks and then months and…
Read MoreF&I Summer Newsletter 2023
Sam York FBHS, Chair, 30th June 2023 Dear Members, How on earth is it already the end of June?? With the longest day already gone, summer is in full swing, the hay is ready to be cut and the horsefly season is in full force! I hope you are enjoying the amazing light mornings and…
Read MoreSpring Newsletter 2023
F&I Association – looking to an ethical and sustainable equestrian future Well, the dark nights are just beginning to draw out and the slightly milder weather has given us a tiny glimmer of hope that the winter will go away at some point, although I am not in any way being naive as I have…
Read MoreChairman’s Report – Review of the Year
We have had a full and varied year in 2022 with lots of activities and events, please do read the reports and newsletters to remind yourselves of the fantastic F&I year we have had. This year we have felt that our industry has been threatened, mainly due to a few specific incidents that have caught…
Read MoreAutumn 2022 Newsletter from our Chair Sam York FBHS
Wow, what can I say – what an incredible summer we’ve had, so full of events all of which have been fantastic, with such great variety. There really has been something for everyone and all of them encouraging “food for thought”. It’s so important in this tough industry that we can have such a great…
Read MoreChairman’s F&I Spring Newsletter
Dear Members, Wow, what can we say, we have waited to release this Spring Newsletter so we can formally congratulate our four new Fellows of the BHS: Lisa Morris, Kylie Roddy, David Sheerin, and Jayne Smart. We all know (or have at least some inkling) what it means to prepare, enter and endure the Fellowship…
It is my pleasure and that of the Committee to welcome you to Keysoe International for this our 35th Anniversary AND the end of the 9-year Reign of Terror as Ann, Vice Chair and myself are due to step down from the Committee, having accomplished 3 X 3 year stints on this Committee. As we…
Read MoreF&I Chairman’s Report Virtual AGM
January 5th 2021 Dear Members Welcome to our first Virtual AGM. As the year 2020 drew to a close suffice to say for us all it was a challenging one and a time we won’t forget. The COVID-19 pandemic threw all our lives into disarray, it limited our social lives, work, travel and so many…
Read MoreF & I Christmas Newsletter
Dear F&I Member, As we approach the celebration of Christmas, I hope each one of you is well and that your families, staff and clients are also safe and healthy. Then we welcome in the New Year 2021, and looking at our Facebook page following the cancellation of our Annual Course, so many of you,…
Read MoreF&I Autumn Newsletter, October 2020
Dear Member, Well, we all had a pleasant, fairly Covid-free summer, although better weather would have made a difference after that very dry April and May. Here in Ireland it just didn’t seem to know when to stop raining, and I believe it’s been a wee bit damp elsewhere too! However, somehow the harvest was…
Read MoreChairman’s August Newsletter
Dear Member After another fabulous Annual Course in January 2020 with those two top Trainers Adam Kemp FBHS for Dressage and Corinne Bracken UKCC Level 3 BS Trainer at Addington Manor, we all went home on a high, determined to spread ‘the gospel’ through to our own riders. AND THEN, March arrived, just as our…
Read MoreCHAIRMAN’S REVIEW of 2019
AGM JANUARY 2020 “Ladies & Gentlemen Once again it is my pleasure to stand in front of you to give the Chairman’s Review of the past year. We have 91 for supper, the biggest number ever. I am in awe of the length & breadth of this professional association’s membership – people who are prepared…
Well, that’s Ladies Day at Hickstead done and dusted for another year. Not so many of us there this year, but the same amount of fun to be had. Royal Dublin Horse Show has finished with GB winning the Nations Cup on a really awful day, weather wise. So, is it really all downhill till…
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