Report from the Judy Harvey Training Day

The training day with Judy Harvey was very well attended considering the weather!!  Judy and her husband Malcolm landed back from the States on Sunday afternoon and drove straight to the yard and put up two gazeebos after listening to the weather forecast which for once was correct.

Monday morning dawned……… very wet. As we all know riding is an outdoor sport and there was not one complaint as Ann on two horses, Gemma and Nikki got wet when they rode.

Nikki’s session seemed to go on for quite a long time and when Judy came to ride the sun came out……. well planned!

It was good to see some new faces at this day with some having made a 4 hour journey to be there.

As always Judy was very clear in the basic way of going with all the riders and horses using exercises to suit the very different types .

She then carried this on in her own riding with the harmony being at the forefront.

We then had two brave people who coached Judy’s students and were given useful, constructive feedback.

Many thanks as always to Judy, her staff and Malcolm

Report by Ann Bostock BHSI